Finally, I thought about you. I thought about the opportunity I was blessed with, to have individuals even interested in what I had to say on a given subject.
Soooooo…. It’s been a while.
If you're reading this, you're better to me than I deserve. You've actually come back to see what's going on in the world of #PIP. When did I last post something for you guys? (literally pauses to go and check the website…)
"However, avoiding such an assembly (or any gathering for that manner) leads to one of the most dangerous places for people of faith, isolation. When we are isolated, the highest voice we hear is our own."
Times have changed.
And as times have changed, people have changed as well. For example, I was having a conversation with a loved one about the differences between the older and younger generations. We contrasted the elders of today, from the ones we remember from our youth. We discussed how community discipline was more prevalent back then and how it had seemingly gone away. As we pondered on why this was the case, I responded, "It's not so much the elders have changed, as much as it is, the mindset of the new generation has changed. "It is clear – there remains, some 400 years later, a substantial imbalance in the racial equality of America."
The United States of America was founded on a promise.
The founding leaders gathered on July 4, 1776, to officially approve the nation’s Declaration of Independence. The Congress, assembled at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, PA, to scribe and ratify the document that would explain why the Thirteen Colonies at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain, were now deemed independent sovereign states. "Start by praying and saying, "Lord, please guide me in Your knowledge and wisdom, as I seek to build my support and community. If there is anyone in my planned selection, who doesn't support my improvement, please reveal this to me. In Your Son Jesus Name, I pray, Amen."
This Sunday, I watched as Jimmy Johnson, the former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, was informed of his pending induction into the NFL Hall of Fame as a member of the inducted class of 2020. In the process of telling him, those in attendance cheered gleefully, and it was clear that he was undeniably emotional. Former players like Terry Bradshaw and Troy Aikman all looked on, as Coach Johnson did his best to compose himself and express appreciation for this great honor.
"JAY-Z recorded a song entitled "Most Kingz." During this song, he's quoted as saying, "people look at you strange, and say 'you changed,' as if you worked that hard to stay the same."
If you were a hip-hop enthusiast in the year 2019, then you certainly knew, DaBaby.
DaBaby, born Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, is 28 years of age. "Since there is so much power in the tongue, I plan to spend a portion of every day in 2020 verbally reaffirming my vision for myself, to myself."
365 days later, and here we are. In less than 24 hours the year of 2019 will be history.
"During these moments, ensure to regulate your expectations. No, you won’t craft poems like the late and great Maya Angelou, blog posts like Darren Rowse, or stories like Stephen King."
True story. In this very moment, literally right now, I KNOW THAT I need to write. I know that if I want to maintain this blog, then my fingas’ have got-sta’ keep these keys a clackin’. After all, you can’t produce content, if you won’t create content.
However, in complete honesty I have to admit that I’m really having some trouble catching my “flow.” By “flow” I mean the beloved Word Pour. It’s that place of writing when your thoughts and your fingers are moving in great synchronization. It’s when you’re producing pages in mere minutes. It’s the zone where only typos slow you down. Today, I could only wish I was there: in the flow, in the zone, in the pour. "Matthew 7:18-20 says, “(18) A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit… (20) Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”(NKJV). In other words, The Word challenges us to never judge people without merit."
Fact: there are few things in the world that make me as weary as the current state of American politics.
Now, as I say that, it’s important for you to consider who I am and how the American governmental scene has impacted me personally. I am a 38-year-old, black citizen of the US. As a citizen, I have seen a host of disappointments within our government. Everything from the mishandling of several gunned-down black and brown citizens by law-enforcement; the many sentencing inconsistencies within our judicial system for like crimes across the racial divide; the dilapidation of schools in poor neighborhoods versus the opposite, and the professed defense of ‘WHY’ the confederate flag should still fly over any building funded by tax payer dollars in the Lord’s year of 2019. "I see these 2 young girls and I think, “This is what it looks like. This is the very odd and sad picture of 2 teenagers who STILL believe in Santa Claus."
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, in a hole, 10,000 feet below the dirt, and in a bunker, then I’m sure you’ve been made aware of all of the recent allegations facing R&B star, Robert Kelly.
"At some point, we’re going to have to take a look in the mirror, dig deep, and begin to ask ourselves the hard questions. Questions that will (and should) begin to expose what prayerfully, the real problem could be."
I’ve heard it said that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. If that’s true (and I’m assured that it is), then I pray you’d allow this next statement to serve as the sugar.
Fact: it takes great courage and a very resilient spirit to keep trying a thing over and over again. To look at a task and make a convicted decision that, in spite of a number of failed attempts, you refuse to give up or accept defeat. J.K. Rowling had a manuscript rejected dozens of times until it was finally accepted by a London publisher. The title you ask? Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. |
Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: