I pray this helps, and it's been a blessing reconnecting with you at the end of this year. I pray to see more of you in 2021.
Once again, 365 days later, and here we are. In less than 24 hours, the year 2020 will be history.
2020. You literally had to live it to believe it. I can't lie; this year has definitely been one for the books. It has been humbling, transformative, reformative, and stressful. This was the year that made me better. I'm thankful to note that I definitely ended the year a lot better than I started it. This year is hard to capsulate. There are so many facets of 2020 that I’m still processing; however, what I’ve learned has been essential.
“Don’t get me wrong. I know the Bible is essential, and I know I need it to grow in my faith. However, if I’m being all the way honest, I have to admit that sometimes, the Bible seems boring.”
As a minister, I know the importance of having a very intimate relationship with the Word of God. I understand the power of allocating a portion of your day to read and meditate on the Scriptures. The Word of God is the power of our salvation, our guidance in trouble, the fuel of our faith, and the reminder of God’s trustworthiness. The decline of the human race has been the result of our increased separation from God, and the Bible is God’s blessed Gift, designed to bring us back into the Light.
"Start by praying and saying, "Lord, please guide me in Your knowledge and wisdom, as I seek to build my support and community. If there is anyone in my planned selection, who doesn't support my improvement, please reveal this to me. In Your Son Jesus Name, I pray, Amen."
This Sunday, I watched as Jimmy Johnson, the former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, was informed of his pending induction into the NFL Hall of Fame as a member of the inducted class of 2020. In the process of telling him, those in attendance cheered gleefully, and it was clear that he was undeniably emotional. Former players like Terry Bradshaw and Troy Aikman all looked on, as Coach Johnson did his best to compose himself and express appreciation for this great honor.
"Hate it or love it; there is a fact about us as humans, especially us 'so-called' progressive, and technologically advanced millennials, post-millennials, and Gen Z'ers. We have proven that we sadly believe that we are only as good as we are concluded to be better than someone else."
I'm not sure if you know this or not (and I know you do), but the internet is proving to be bad for your health. Specifically, social media. Even more specific, mental health.
Senior Contributor, Alice G. Walton, composed an article for Forbes called "New Studies Show Just How Bad Social Media is for Mental Health." Within the writing, she outlined specifically how sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter were aiding in the decline of its user's mental well-being. The article talks about several studies done by universities and researchers concerning social media and its impacts on our mental health. "At some point, we’re going to have to take a look in the mirror, dig deep, and begin to ask ourselves the hard questions. Questions that will (and should) begin to expose what prayerfully, the real problem could be."
I’ve heard it said that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. If that’s true (and I’m assured that it is), then I pray you’d allow this next statement to serve as the sugar.
Fact: it takes great courage and a very resilient spirit to keep trying a thing over and over again. To look at a task and make a convicted decision that, in spite of a number of failed attempts, you refuse to give up or accept defeat. J.K. Rowling had a manuscript rejected dozens of times until it was finally accepted by a London publisher. The title you ask? Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. "This means, as I step into the New Year, if I plan to overcome the old barriers of productivity, I have to consider how I ruined my plans. And, after consideration, I must implement new measures to minimize these failings."
If you’re reading this, then you need to celebrate.
Not because you’re reading this, although if that’s celebratory for you, I won’t stop you. "Am I willing to risk all that I have for this message? Would I be willing to stand alone for this message? Or, would I even be willing to lose my life for it?"
*The photograph above is of the late Fred Hampton.
I woke up this morning, in a deep pondering about what exactly this blog’s purpose should be. This thought led to prayer, and this prayer led to this. So, why haven’t I been on?
Good people. First and foremost, I want to say thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my blog posts. Especially to those of you who have been consistent and day-1 supporters of this thing of ours. I take your support very seriously. Granted, I know we aren’t at “Google” status with this; however, support at any level must be treasured and I want you to know that your support is valued immensely.
“Lord, if there is any reason why I shouldn’t have this conversation, I pray you’ll make it clear. And if I should, I pray you’ll guide my mouth."
So, I’ve been thinking (uh oh) on a subject that I’m not quite sure I’m fully convinced of. In other words, even as of this writing, I’m not 100% sure of exactly where I stand on this issue. However, I’m confident that as I progress further in this writing, I’ll work things out via my prayerfully guided and Spirit-led, typed expression (just a complex way of saying, “Jesus, take the wheel”).
So, with that all of that great pressure on my back, let’s get started. Sure, there are Christians who avoid and despise gossip, but there’s a reason why the Bible addresses the topic.
Pookie infamously said, “it be callin' me, man... I just got to go to it!” (PSA: if you’re a reader of this blog and you don’t know who ‘Pookie’ is, don’t worry about it.) Now, when he made this statement, he was referring to crack cocaine. However, I believe that there are many that would make the same statement about something non-narcotic, but just as addictive.
Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: