"Since there is so much power in the tongue, I plan to spend a portion of every day in 2020 verbally reaffirming my vision for myself, to myself."
365 days later, and here we are. In less than 24 hours the year of 2019 will be history.
"I see these 2 young girls and I think, “This is what it looks like. This is the very odd and sad picture of 2 teenagers who STILL believe in Santa Claus."
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, in a hole, 10,000 feet below the dirt, and in a bunker, then I’m sure you’ve been made aware of all of the recent allegations facing R&B star, Robert Kelly.
“Lord, if there is any reason why I shouldn’t have this conversation, I pray you’ll make it clear. And if I should, I pray you’ll guide my mouth."
So, I’ve been thinking (uh oh) on a subject that I’m not quite sure I’m fully convinced of. In other words, even as of this writing, I’m not 100% sure of exactly where I stand on this issue. However, I’m confident that as I progress further in this writing, I’ll work things out via my prayerfully guided and Spirit-led, typed expression (just a complex way of saying, “Jesus, take the wheel”).
So, with that all of that great pressure on my back, let’s get started. "You see, I’m learning that if I can create consistent, healthy habits, then the desired results will naturally and eventually come my way."
I know, I know, I know. It’s been a while, I know. And, I’m sorry for the gap, I really am. However, I think you’ll be glad to know that I’ve been gone dealing with some good stuff. I went on vacation to Texas to marry my niece, I joined our youth counselors to take our youth group to the Florida State Youth for Christ Conference (and I’m thankful to God that they did an awesome job), and I had my sister’s family and kids over for the 4thof July.
But, enough of all of that… I’m glad to be back. "Therefore, when I pray, I pray knowing that WHATEVER I ask for, God can do it. However, I also accept that He has the right to do a new thing, if that thing is best thing."
Okay, so roll with me on this.
In my head, I imagine an average person on the street, playing basketball against LeBron James. While, he’s playing this person (still in my mind) I see him looking at the guy crazy for not knowing how to make an uncontested lay-up. I envision that he’d be like, “Dude, (in my head LeBron says “dude”) that’s like the easiest part of the game. Who can’t make a layup?!” “I’m trying hard, but I keep falling and after a while, I’m going to start feeling like my worship is worthless.”
Loosely based on a true story.
So, I was talking to a real good friend of mine, and he was sharing with me some of his struggles with sin. As he shared, I remembered being proud of him for his willingness to admit his error. I was honored that he entrusted me with his failings and I was in awe of his maturity and willingness of transparency. "Here is a fact, your AP will be the person who steps into your most vulnerable place. They will know your success, secrets, and shame. Therefore, making a sound and good decision on who you allow your AP to be, should be the highest priority." "However, I loved the dispatcher, because they knew how to navigate through the panic, and get right to the problem. In other words, while you’re screaming, they’re solving." "Many have asked me, “Kevin, what’s the purpose of fasting?” Or, “exactly why are you fasting?” Or (my favorite), “what are we supposed to get out of it?” On the 12th day of the month of December, in the year of *@#% (someone leans and says, “Did he just tell her age?”), God appointed my good thing and my wonderful gift. |
Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: