"The facts of the flight are still unknown to me; all I know is that it tragically ended in a crash. And in this crash, we lost one of the greatest basketball players of all time."
This rarely happens to me. Typically it's the case that a very significant event will occur in pop culture, and when I learn about it, I always find out late. However, this event was different.
"I see these 2 young girls and I think, “This is what it looks like. This is the very odd and sad picture of 2 teenagers who STILL believe in Santa Claus."
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, in a hole, 10,000 feet below the dirt, and in a bunker, then I’m sure you’ve been made aware of all of the recent allegations facing R&B star, Robert Kelly.
"However, as I consider the political landscape of our nation, I believe that this race (and races like it) will only cause the American divide to get worse." On the 12th day of the month of December, in the year of *@#% (someone leans and says, “Did he just tell her age?”), God appointed my good thing and my wonderful gift. |
Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: