I pray this helps, and it's been a blessing reconnecting with you at the end of this year. I pray to see more of you in 2021.
Once again, 365 days later, and here we are. In less than 24 hours, the year 2020 will be history.
2020. You literally had to live it to believe it. I can't lie; this year has definitely been one for the books. It has been humbling, transformative, reformative, and stressful. This was the year that made me better. I'm thankful to note that I definitely ended the year a lot better than I started it. This year is hard to capsulate. There are so many facets of 2020 that I’m still processing; however, what I’ve learned has been essential.
"Start by praying and saying, "Lord, please guide me in Your knowledge and wisdom, as I seek to build my support and community. If there is anyone in my planned selection, who doesn't support my improvement, please reveal this to me. In Your Son Jesus Name, I pray, Amen."
This Sunday, I watched as Jimmy Johnson, the former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, was informed of his pending induction into the NFL Hall of Fame as a member of the inducted class of 2020. In the process of telling him, those in attendance cheered gleefully, and it was clear that he was undeniably emotional. Former players like Terry Bradshaw and Troy Aikman all looked on, as Coach Johnson did his best to compose himself and express appreciation for this great honor.
"JAY-Z recorded a song entitled "Most Kingz." During this song, he's quoted as saying, "people look at you strange, and say 'you changed,' as if you worked that hard to stay the same."
If you were a hip-hop enthusiast in the year 2019, then you certainly knew, DaBaby.
DaBaby, born Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, is 28 years of age. "Since there is so much power in the tongue, I plan to spend a portion of every day in 2020 verbally reaffirming my vision for myself, to myself."
365 days later, and here we are. In less than 24 hours the year of 2019 will be history.
"During these moments, ensure to regulate your expectations. No, you won’t craft poems like the late and great Maya Angelou, blog posts like Darren Rowse, or stories like Stephen King."
True story. In this very moment, literally right now, I KNOW THAT I need to write. I know that if I want to maintain this blog, then my fingas’ have got-sta’ keep these keys a clackin’. After all, you can’t produce content, if you won’t create content.
However, in complete honesty I have to admit that I’m really having some trouble catching my “flow.” By “flow” I mean the beloved Word Pour. It’s that place of writing when your thoughts and your fingers are moving in great synchronization. It’s when you’re producing pages in mere minutes. It’s the zone where only typos slow you down. Today, I could only wish I was there: in the flow, in the zone, in the pour. "This means, as I step into the New Year, if I plan to overcome the old barriers of productivity, I have to consider how I ruined my plans. And, after consideration, I must implement new measures to minimize these failings."
If you’re reading this, then you need to celebrate.
Not because you’re reading this, although if that’s celebratory for you, I won’t stop you. "Am I willing to risk all that I have for this message? Would I be willing to stand alone for this message? Or, would I even be willing to lose my life for it?"
*The photograph above is of the late Fred Hampton.
I woke up this morning, in a deep pondering about what exactly this blog’s purpose should be. This thought led to prayer, and this prayer led to this. "You see, I’m learning that if I can create consistent, healthy habits, then the desired results will naturally and eventually come my way."
I know, I know, I know. It’s been a while, I know. And, I’m sorry for the gap, I really am. However, I think you’ll be glad to know that I’ve been gone dealing with some good stuff. I went on vacation to Texas to marry my niece, I joined our youth counselors to take our youth group to the Florida State Youth for Christ Conference (and I’m thankful to God that they did an awesome job), and I had my sister’s family and kids over for the 4thof July.
But, enough of all of that… I’m glad to be back. I’ve made up my mind that I won’t quit. I’m going to continue to challenge myself in those two areas, even if I never reach my desired goal in life (Fact: one of the hardest truths I’ve ever typed).
Fitness and schedules.
Those two menaces are admittedly my proverbial Achilles’s heels. Naturally, if you’ve been following this blog for a while, I’m assured you knew that already. I’ve battled with creating a habit of exercising and maintaining a productive work routine for some time and I’ll admit that I’ve seen more failure than success. "Therefore, when I pray, I pray knowing that WHATEVER I ask for, God can do it. However, I also accept that He has the right to do a new thing, if that thing is best thing."
Okay, so roll with me on this.
In my head, I imagine an average person on the street, playing basketball against LeBron James. While, he’s playing this person (still in my mind) I see him looking at the guy crazy for not knowing how to make an uncontested lay-up. I envision that he’d be like, “Dude, (in my head LeBron says “dude”) that’s like the easiest part of the game. Who can’t make a layup?!” |
Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: