I say all of that to say this, make no mistake about it. The GOVERNMENT IS DOING JUST FINE because “We The People” are footing a massive portion of the bill.
Warning: This isn’t necessarily a fun read; however, it’s an educational ride that I hope will transform our thinking in a better way.
Fact: the financial impact of the novel coronavirus on the United States has been undeniable. It is fair to say that COVID-19 has not only stirred a public health crisis, but it has prompted an economic crisis as well. The Brookings Institute released its research on the impact of COVID-19 on the American financial system. In an era of “fake news,” it's important to note that the “Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. [Their] mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level.” I know, I know, but you have to do that now. Anyway…
"However, until we start a dialogue with the uninformed who hope to become allies, I believe it will never be trendy, only tragic."
It has been said that the conversation about “mental illness” in the 21st century, is one that’s become trendy and chic.
Yeah (sigh), okay. In fairness, I understand why such a thought may exist. I believe this notion stands because for the first time in our western society, conversations about mental health are actually happening, and (even better) they’re accepted. No, we aren’t talking about mental health now because it’s some new phenomenon. Make no mistake about it, I believe that the need to address mental health, has been a real-world matter for as long as mankind has been in existence. "Fact: we as a society are slowly, but assuredly losing our God-given compassion. We are rarely ‘us.’ Rather, we see ‘them.’"
So, there’s an illustration that people often use. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it before. It’s referred to as the “Boiling Frog Fable.” The story basically goes like this: a frog is placed in a pot of cool water. In time, the pot of water is eventually heated to boil. However, because the boiling process isn’t instant, and the frog is by nature able to adapt to very harsh climates, the boil is told to go unnoticed. And as a result, the frog is alleged to willingly remain in the water, and without knowing, eventually die amidst the boiling.
"However, after watching this clip, I came to realize that this new social grace hasn’t been so equally given to individuals in prominent leadership."
It was Saturday morning. I was coming from my son’s flag football game and I was on an emotional high. I was very proud of my guy; he caught every pass directed to him (2 receptions) and he even scored a touchdown. They won their game decisively. In honor of his win, he requested to go to Chik-Fil-A to eat lunch, and to that I was glad to oblige.
As I waited in the line of the drive thru, which by the length you’d think the sandwiches were free, I took a moment to scroll through Twitter to catch up on the “happenings” of the internet. "Matthew 7:18-20 says, “(18) A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit… (20) Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”(NKJV). In other words, The Word challenges us to never judge people without merit."
Fact: there are few things in the world that make me as weary as the current state of American politics.
Now, as I say that, it’s important for you to consider who I am and how the American governmental scene has impacted me personally. I am a 38-year-old, black citizen of the US. As a citizen, I have seen a host of disappointments within our government. Everything from the mishandling of several gunned-down black and brown citizens by law-enforcement; the many sentencing inconsistencies within our judicial system for like crimes across the racial divide; the dilapidation of schools in poor neighborhoods versus the opposite, and the professed defense of ‘WHY’ the confederate flag should still fly over any building funded by tax payer dollars in the Lord’s year of 2019. "Here is a fact, your AP will be the person who steps into your most vulnerable place. They will know your success, secrets, and shame. Therefore, making a sound and good decision on who you allow your AP to be, should be the highest priority." "This modern-attitude, this new realm of thinking sadly indicates that beauty must be graded, clothing must be designer, abs must be ripped, and you must be renowned." "I think as the world becomes caught up in a mist of all that it "thinks" is the business of God, we still somehow miss the bold and obvious." |
Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: