This becomes tragic because the low self-esteem is also an arrogant presence. It believes that the world and all those in it, focus on you. If they’re laughing, they’re laughing at me. If they’re whispering, they’re whispering about me.
Now before I start, I want to be very honest with you. In that, today is going to be a day of “tough love.”
Personally, I am so anti-tough-love because it almost suggest that there are “other” levels of love. Levels of love that lack what “tough-love” is infamously known for: honesty. Fact is, love is only love when it’s saturated in truth; however, I use the phrase today, so we can be on the same page. I’d also like to start this with a dose of sincere empathy. Fact: many who suffer from low self-esteem, can find its roots in the midst of some tough spots in life. Some were abused mental, physically, verbally, emotionally, or sexually. Some have been neglected and/or abandoned. Some have suffered the trauma of infidelity and a host of other things. Whatever the case, the insecurity that stems from low self-esteem, on most occasions, has its origins in the midst of some very difficult challenges. However, today I’d like to do something that we rarely do. I’d like to say, “Let’s just for a moment, forget HOW it came into our lives, and instead, let’s talk about WHY we have to address and overcome it.” You see, dealing with the HOW can become a problem if it’s not in conjunction with confronting the WHY. Truthfully, the HOW sells pity-party tickets, it enables the victim mentality, it gives us credence to be bitter, and worse of all it deceives us into the false notion that it’s unchangeable. However, none of that is productive nor is it positive. Therefore, today I’d like for us to begin to dig for that part of us that’s desirous of overcoming this issue. I think, it’s important to know that although this is real and sincere, allowing a low self-esteem to remain unaddressed in your life, can cause many problems. Therefore, today we’ll talk about 4 reasons why you need to start dealing with your low self-esteem NOW:
You see, I get it. I know that the low self-esteem is a real problem that stems from some real issues. However, as much as I hate the hand life deals many of us, it is still incumbent upon us to play our hand nonetheless. My challenge to you is to seek help and change. Link with a good counselor, engage meetings with some of your church leaders, seek a prayer partner, engage the Word, have faith in who God made you to be. Just (whatever you do) don’t stay there. After all, if you don’t allow God to deal with this, it will CONTINUE to deal with you. So, what did you think? Was this helpful? What did I miss? Are you struggling with self-esteem? Which point registered with you the most? How did reading this make you feel? What was the impact? Let me know in the comments below. Subscribe to the blog and thanks for your support. Imperfectly, Kevin D. Jones, Sr. (@kevindjonessr)
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Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: