"Therefore, my new level of honesty speaks to my current fitness mind in this manner: “if you claim to want a thing and you’re not willing to do what it takes to get it, then you really didn’t want it that bad.”
Here is an undeniable fact; I’m not the biggest fan of working out. Thankfully, I am very blessed to know people who find joy in this arena; however, the passion has yet to run off on me. Now, I won’t lie; I want chiseled abs just as bad as any person would; however, (pausing for a moment of painful honesty) I obviously don’t want them bad enough.
Brutal truth, that’s very needed. These days I prefer to speak honest with myself, even if the honesty is hurts. Therefore, my new level of honesty speaks to my current fitness mind in this manner: “if you claim to want a thing and you’re not willing to do what it takes to get it, then you really didn’t want it that bad.” So, while I’m on this honesty role, I might as well go all the way. Right? Well here goes… “Kevin, please receive this: Fitness WILL be a priority in your life; either by choice today or medically by force tomorrow.” Ugh! Still my argument isn’t with the validity of this statement. Fact is, I know fitness has to be a factor for me; however, I have to admit that I find my greatest struggle with getting started. So, after personal reflection and skilled advisement, I present you with the Five Factors to Focus on as you Face your Fight for Fitness (say that 5 times fast).
So, what did you think? Was this helpful? What did I miss? How are you struggling with fitness? Are you in the same boat? Which point registered with you the most? Let me know in the comments below. Subscribe to the blog and thanks for your support. Imperfectly, Kevin D. Jones, Sr. (@kevindjonessr)
5/8/2017 08:12:15 am
5/8/2017 08:36:47 am
Post was dripping with honesty and dopeness. What I loved was I was able to see I'm not the only one that struggles. I decided I wanted to get back in shape but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about all the times I started the journey of getting in shape and quit because I couldn't find what I loved doing. This journey was different though. The beginning was rough and I was getting frustrated at how difficult simple workouts were for me then a few of my trainer friends/ bros and sis in Christ reminded me that I have to start somewhere and build my endurance. Then I decided I can't worry the Fit person to the left or right of me but instead I needed to focus on my Fit level and my journey. Once I did that I began buying into my journey and falling in love with working out again.
K. Jones, Sr.
5/9/2017 06:38:14 am
Exactly. Each person's journey is their own. It is imperative to make the necessary strides towards that end with consideration to one's own circumstances. Great comment.
Nimasheena Burns
5/8/2017 09:58:26 am
This will be my motivation to keep getting it in Cuzzo
K. Jones, Sr.
5/9/2017 06:39:03 am
Trust me, I've been following your journey as well. I feel like I need to come and sit at your feet. Keep up the great work.
5/9/2017 02:48:16 pm
Man, that was helpful and humorous at the same time. You know, I don't have a problem with fitness, it is now with too much fitness. I have to learn to do things in stride. I don't have to workout three times a day (humble brag) but I should focus on other things that can help my mental fitness vice physical. Thanks Kev and everyone that shared.
K. Jones, Sr.
5/9/2017 02:53:00 pm
LOL! If there is one thing that I know, I know that this post has nothing to do with you my brother. Thanks for your support.
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