"Therefore, when I pray, I pray knowing that WHATEVER I ask for, God can do it. However, I also accept that He has the right to do a new thing, if that thing is best thing."
Okay, so roll with me on this.
In my head, I imagine an average person on the street, playing basketball against LeBron James. While, he’s playing this person (still in my mind) I see him looking at the guy crazy for not knowing how to make an uncontested lay-up. I envision that he’d be like, “Dude, (in my head LeBron says “dude”) that’s like the easiest part of the game. Who can’t make a layup?!”
And of course, who could argue anything basketball with Lebron?! After all, he’s a 3 x NBA champion, 3 x Finals MVP, 4 x NBA MVP, 14 x All-Star, and arguably the greatest basketball player alive. Right?
Well, actually if there was ever a person to argue with, he’d (Lebron James) would be the person. Stay with me. You see, God has blessed him in such a way that basketball is literally second nature to him. However, if he were to assume (and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t) that it came just as natural to others, such an assumption is more than problematic, it’s also very unfair. The fair think to do would be to assume that any average street player is far below his level. Thus, affording the player a chance to learn and develop. Well, as I considered this fact, it forced me to also consider a commonality that Lebron and I share (and you can guess that it is absolutely not basketball.) As a minister, I had to open my eyes to things that I feel are natural to me, and furthermore accept that these things could very well be unnatural to others. I’d even go as far as to say that MAYBE they’re even unnatural to you, the reader, of this blog, whom I thank, a whole lot. LOL! I hear you thinking, “So, what might this area be?” And then it hit me…. Maybe people need to learn how to pray. Sure, it’s talking; however, I’ve had more than a few people ask me HOW to do it. So, I figured I’d take on the LeBron role (IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m definitely NOT claiming to be the LeBron James of prayer) and share what I believe to be 6 quick prayer tips:
"Here’s a little-known fact: Prayer is less about asking, and more about trusting."
"There the Bible says in 9:23-24, “If You can?” echoed Jesus. “All things are possible to him who believes!” (24) Immediately the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” (NIV)"
"And here’s the good news, He still cares. Therefore, don’t hide it or deny it."
"However, I do believe that one could walk away from “some” public prayers so in awe of the mechanics and the method, that they miss the meaning and the message."
I believe that I could go on for days; however, I think you get it. Prayer is important, and these are 6 steps that I believe will allow even the novice to gain much from it.
So, what did you think? Was this helpful? Which point registered with you the most? Give me a hit below and let me know. Agree? Disagree? I want to hear from you. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter, and share this post with someone you love. Thanks in advance. Imperfectly, Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Author and Publisher of Perfectly Imperfect Perfectionist
I want to thank you for this lesson on strategies for developing a stronger prayer habit. My daughter wants to find someone who thinks the world of her. I kept saying take it to God snd leave it there. I’m going to continue to encourage her to pray and each time time something goes wrong we will study these scriptures together.
K. Jones, Sr.
6/5/2018 07:50:59 am
That’s excellent my sis. Keep up the great work and thanks for the support. #Blessings
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Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: