"However, I loved the dispatcher, because they knew how to navigate through the panic, and get right to the problem. In other words, while you’re screaming, they’re solving."
So, the Wednesday Word for this Week is PRAY!
Romans 8:26, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”(NLT) I remember when I was little, there was a show that would come on television called “Rescue 911.” It was hosted by William Shatner and he would narrate the dramatizations of real life emergency calls. It was a regular occurrence on the show for something tragic to happen. After that, a call was then made to 911, a dispatcher would then receive the call, help would be dispatched, and (in most cases) the day would be saved. I loved the show and I’m not really sure why. After all, I used to watch the show when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I can’t quit imagine what I loved about these dramatic and often times bizarre scenarios. Still, the program fascinated me. I was hooked on it and I honestly hated to see the show get canceled. Now, while the caller, emergency, and response team were typically the focus of most of the show’s attention, I found another ignored significant figure in the story. On that was very important, and often, very ignored. In my opinion, the unsung hero was the 911 dispatcher. I was highly impressed by them because they were (again, in my opinion) the reason why everything worked. Fact: you call 911 for all types of emergencies. However, the difference between a fire truck rolling up to a shootout, or animal control rolling up to a burning building is the dispatcher. The dispatcher takes the necessary pieces of information and makes them make sense. They relay the information to deploy-readied units and problems would be moving toward solutions, at the same time as they were taking their next call. However, that’s not even the part that impresses me the most. While I appreciate all of the aforementioned hard work, I’m personally most impressed with the way they handled the caller. I think it’s safe to assume that if your house is burning down, child is unable to breath, or your spouse is having a heart attack, chances are high their you’re probably in a state of panic. However, I loved the dispatcher, because they knew how to navigate through the panic, and get right to the problem. In other words, while you’re screaming, they’re solving. In the midst of the moment when you’re losing your mind, they’re keeping their composure, listening to your words, and working your problem out. Got it? Good. Now for the passage connection. Romans tells us that when we pray, the Holy Spirit is very much like the dispatcher. In that, while we may not know what to say (and that’s okay), the Spirit definitely knows exactly what we need. The Holy Spirit works in our life and helps us to navigate the troubled waters of our existence. It ignores my panic, and sticks to my Father’s Plan. I may pray for the problem to go away; however, the Spirit is asking for me to have patience. I may pray for the removal of my enemies; however, the Spirit is asking for me to learn unconditional love. Yes, the Spirit hears my cry; however, what I’m thankful for most, is that It knows all that I need. And I’ve learned to thank God for giving me what I need, even if what I need is far from what I want. Lord, thank You so very much for the Gift of the Comforter; may our prayers always be ushered to Your Throne, by Your Holy Spirit. Your thoughts? Convicted? Upset? Agree? Disagree? Let me know below. Peace and love family. Imperfectly, Kevin D. Jones, Sr. @imperfection360 @kevindjonessr
Ben Dorvil
5/24/2017 09:15:38 am
Actually I'm in agreement with this scenario, The Holy Spirit acts just like Jesus, always there always listening and always asking the Father for us what we cannot sometimes ask for ourselves. Trusting the Holy Spirit is kind of a wrong question to me for the scripture says do not grieve the spirit, so in my opinion can the holy spirit trust you to rely on him.
Julia Cole
5/25/2017 11:10:32 am
I totally agree know God knows our every need,we should just ask. Go to him in prayer having that Trust he always reassure you with. I had to grow to know to just ask God,the gift of the Holy Spirit is so amazing in us. Today I walk & pray,work & pray,knowing our heavenly Father knows we are in constant need of him. Trust in his word always but Pray,Pray & Pray some more. Thank you for the encouraging word & always pray for me as I do for you.💋
Minnie Thorntoni
6/9/2017 03:21:45 pm
I like that scenario of the dispatcher. True..Many times we go to the Father in prayer we are in or near a panic. I learned some time ago when I am at this state ( usually tears streaming) to end my prayer by asking the Holy Spirit to clean it up for me because I have no idea what I need to "fix" this. Thank You Holy Spirit... You always come through.
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Kevin D. Jones, Sr.Believer - Leader - Flawed Topics: